Typical house in Cambodia #SMSnotes

Cambodia is a Southeast Asian nation whose landscape spans low-lying plains, the Mekong Delta, mountains and Gulf of Thailand coastline. Phnom Penh, its capital, is home to the art deco Central Market, glittering Royal Palace and the National Museum's historical and archaeological exhibits. In the country's northwest are the ruins of Angkor Wat, a massive stone temple complex built during the Khmer Empire.

Cambodia remains on the list of developing countries, despite recent economic growth. Although Cambodia is undergoing significant urbanization, most of its citizens continue to live in rural areas and experience poverty.

Because of its cultural heritage. Home of the Khmer Empire, Cambodia offers a unique experience to every tourist. Two different experiences wait for you: the magnificent past of the Khmer Empire in Siem Reap and the recent past of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh.

Both nations are part of the Non-Aligned Movement. India established formal diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of Kampuchea and opened its embassy in Phnom Penh in 1981 when Cambodia was internationally isolated.

The formation of a Vietnamese-backed government called the People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK), led to the country being named after the ruling party between 1979 and 1989. As the PRK failed to receive international backing, in a bid to turn popular opinion it named the country the State of Cambodia.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times and to be extra vigilant when displaying items like jewelry, bags and cell phones in public. Violent crime, such as sexual assault and homicide, is common, sometimes against foreigners.

Cambodia is rated Not Free in Freedom in the World 2022, Freedom House's annual study of political rights and civil liberties worldwide.

Cambodia has changed its name several times. Between 1953 and 1970, the country was renamed the Kingdom of Cambodia and then Khmer Republic till 1975. Under the communist rule from 1975 to 1979, it was referred to as Democratic Kampuchea.

Khmer is the most widely spoken language in the country. French is still spoken as a second language by many older Cambodians, and is also the language of instruction in some schools and universities that are funded by the government of France.

Police will often not speak any English. Cambodians are friendly, but you should be wary if a Cambodian or other foreign national befriends you quickly and invites you to their home or hotel on the pretext of meeting their family.

Cambodia's flag is the only one in the world to feature a building. Angkor Wat is the heart and soul of Cambodia. The world heritage-listed site was built in the early 12th century and is the biggest religious complex on the planet.

A typical Cambodian meal would normally consist of a soup, a salad, a main fish dish, vegetables and rice. A Cambodian dessert, normally based on fresh fruits and sticky rice, complement the meal. In the Khmer diet, rice and freshwater fish play big roles because of the abundance of both.

Cambodia ranks among the top countries worldwide for years of life lost due to alcohol, even though nealry 70% of the adult population lives free from alcohol consumption. But those who consume alcohol engage in heavy episodic consumption and generally consume heavy amounts (21 liters per capita, per year).

It is best to wear long-sleeved tops and full-length skirts or trouserswhen visiting any religious site. Dress conservatively when visiting the Angkor Wat temple complex. Avoid clothing that is too revealing, shorts, miniskirts, collarless vests, or T-shirts with religious themes.

The Cambodia nightlife scene is quite locally orientated, though foreigners are amply catered for by the country's many bars, restaurants and clubs. Some clubs open for 24 hours and others barely close early.

If you're backpacking Cambodia, expect to spend around $45 USD per day. On this budget, you can stay in a dorm room, eat food from the street stalls, have a couple of beers here and there, and take public transportation to get around.

Cambodia ranked number one among the “World's Friendliest Countries”, according to a reader poll conducted by London-based international website “Rough Guides”.

Cambodia's two largest industries are textiles and tourism, while agricultural activities remain the main source of income for many Cambodians living in rural areas.

The constitution states Buddhism is the state religion, and it is promoted by the government through holiday observances, religious training, Buddhist instruction in public schools, and financial support to Buddhist institutions.

30 Cambodian foods every visitor needs to try Samlor korkor.
Nom banh chok: Khmer noodles.
Bai sach chrouk: Pork and rice.
Kari sach moan: Chicken red curry.
Bok trop pgnon: Pounded eggplant dip.
Kha sach ko: Beef stewed in palm sugar.
Prahok ktis: Creamy prahok dip.

Although most Cambodians don't speak English very well, the majority of people are friendly and will try to communicate with you in English whenever possible.
