Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still, surface, and great depth of kindness #SMSnotes

Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, still, surface, and great depth of kindness #SMSnotes #May2021
What a beautiful metaphor! This suggests that our hearts should embody both serenity and profound compassion. Here's a breakdown of the metaphor:

Calm, Still Surface: Just like a calm lake, our hearts should be composed and tranquil on the surface. This implies a sense of inner peace and emotional stability. It encourages us to maintain composure even in the face of challenges.

Great Depth of Kindness: The depth of a lake represents the profound reservoir of kindness within us. It signifies the capacity for empathy, understanding, and generosity. This encourages us to be compassionate and considerate towards others, even in situations where it might not be easy.

This metaphor beautifully captures the idea that our hearts should be a source of tranquility and kindness, radiating a sense of peace and benevolence to those around us. It encourages a gentle and compassionate approach to life and relationships.
