31 October, 2023

Pink roses

The history of pink roses begins around 35 million years ago when the first trace of a rose was found in fossils. The cultivation of garden roses originated in China about 5,000 years ago. During the Roman Empire, roses were used as medicine, perfume, and confetti. Toward the end of the 18th century, cultivated roses from China spread to the Western world. Most old roses cultivated before 1867 were in shades of pink, and they were utilized and loved by many.
Empress Josephine Bonaparte, Napoleon’s wife, collected hundreds of roses for her Parisian garden. During the Victorian era, restrictions on socially acceptable communication required people to convey flirtation, love, or even negative emotions through floriography, or the secret language of flowers. Pink roses were used as a sign of warmth and affection during this time.

The meaning of pink roses is gratitude and admiration. They're the perfect choice for the people you appreciate most, like your friends, siblings, or teachers. Pink roses can also represent femininity and elegance, which makes them perfect for events like engagement parties, proms, and baby showers for a baby girl.

Pink roses can convey joy or a sense of happiness that is soft, welcoming, or comforting. For this reason, pink rose arrangements are often exchanged between friends and family members - the blooms are simple expressions that we want another person to be happy with. This might stem from the origins of pink roses as they are the main varietal of roses from which all other modern-day roses were created. Pink roses are also versatile when you have something important to convey.

Since pink roses symbolize gratitude, femininity, and comfort, there are a variety of uses for them. Take a look at the reasons to reach for pink roses for each of these purposes:
Thank-you: All pink roses symbolize gratitude, so they make the perfect thank-you gift to show your appreciation for friends and family.
Home decor: Light pink roses represent femininity and grace, making them an elegant addition to your workspace, kitchen, or bedroom.
New love: Pink roses don’t come with the romantic implications of red roses, providing a pressure-free gift for a potential love interest.
Death of a loved one: Light pink roses convey sympathy and comfort for those whose loved one has passed on, as well as an appreciation for the departed.

“Making it a millennial-pink summer. Rose all day.”
A light rosy tone is often associated with femininity, so, naturally, the pink rose meaning is that of grace and sweetness. Other interpretations include gentleness, appreciation, joy, thankfulness, and elegance. The variety of meanings makes giving pink roses appropriate for so many occasions.

My love stems deep. “Gather the rose of love whilst yet is time.”

Pink Bliss is a stunning combination of long-stemmed light pink roses. Pastels pair well with white, which is evident in our Strawberry Smoothie bouquet’s white and pink combination. For a unique twist of pink tones, our Sweetheart arrangement pairs hot and muted pink hues.
Wedding: Since they symbolize joy and admiration, all shades of pink roses make a great wedding gift to celebrate and show appreciation for the newlyweds.

Mother’s Day or Father’s Day: Pink roses symbolize gratitude, making them the perfect way to show how much you admire your wise, supportive role models on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Performance: After a loved one’s performance, recital or showcase, pink roses convey your admiration and celebration of their talent.
Graduation: Any shade of pink rose provides the perfect celebratory gift for a friend or family member’s graduation.
“The rose has thorns only for those who would gather it.”

30 October, 2023

Show your true colors.

A rose is either a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars
Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you. – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Show your true colors. 
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. – Gerard De Nerval
The pink rose, a timeless symbol of grace and admiration, captivates with its delicate beauty and enchanting hue. Each petal exudes a soft and soothing charm, evoking feelings of affection and tenderness. Whether used to express love, appreciation, or gratitude, the pink rose conveys emotions with subtlety and elegance. Its alluring fragrance further enhances its allure, creating a sensory experience that lingers in the heart and mind. A gift of a pink rose is a gesture of heartfelt sentiment, embodying both the gentleness of its color and the enduring nature of its message.

29 October, 2023

Mote hin khar: Typical Myanmar Breakfast

Myanmar, also known as Burma, has a diverse and flavorful cuisine influenced by its neighboring countries, including China, India, and Thailand. A typical Burmese lunch may include several dishes, often served family-style. Here are some popular Burmese dishes you might find in a traditional Myanmar lunch:
Mohinga: Mohinga is considered Myanmar's national dish and is a flavorful fish soup made with rice noodles. It's typically eaten for breakfast but can also be enjoyed for lunch. The broth is made from fish and flavored with lemongrass and other aromatic ingredients.

Curries: Burmese curries are a staple of the cuisine. They can be made with various proteins such as chicken, pork, beef, or fish. These curries are often rich and mildly spiced, served with rice.
Laphet Thohk: Laphet Thohk is a popular Burmese salad made with fermented tea leaves. It's mixed with various ingredients like peanuts, sesame seeds, garlic, and chili, giving it a unique and complex flavor.
Nan Gyi Thoke: This is a dish made with thick rice noodles mixed with a chicken or pork sauce, and it's typically served with a side of crispy fried onions and lime.
Htamin Jin (Burmese Fried Rice): Burmese fried rice is made with rice, vegetables, and sometimes meat or seafood. It's often flavored with soy sauce and topped with a fried egg.
Samusa Salad: Samusas are Burmese-style dumplings stuffed with a mixture of potatoes, peas, and spices. In a samusa salad, the samusas are broken into pieces and mixed with a variety of ingredients like cabbage, onions, and tamarind sauce

Noodle Soups: Besides Mohinga, Myanmar offers various noodle soups, including Shan-style noodles and Ohn no khao swe, which is a coconut chicken noodle soup. Thoke (Salads): Myanmar is known for its salads, and there are numerous varieties available, such as ginger salad, cucumber salad, and tomato salad. Fruits: A Myanmar lunch often includes fresh tropical fruits like mangoes, papayas, and pineapples as a refreshing dessert or side. Tea: Burmese tea culture is significant, and a meal is usually accompanied by a hot cup of sweet tea or green tea.

Mote hin khar: Typical Myanmar Breakfast
"Mote hin khar" is a traditional Burmese dish that consists of a thick fish soup served with rice noodles. It is a popular comfort food in Myanmar (formerly Burma). The dish typically features a rich and flavorful broth made with fish and various aromatic ingredients. Here's a basic recipe for mote hin khar:

Ingredients:500 grams of fish fillets (such as catfish or tilapia)
4-5 cloves of garlic, minced
2-inch piece of ginger, grated
2 tablespoons of fish sauce
1 tablespoon of shrimp paste (belacan)
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of chili powder (adjust to taste)
2-3 cups of water or fish stock
1 can of coconut milk
Salt to taste
Rice noodles (cooked according to package instructions)
Garnishes: chopped green onions, chopped cilantro, lime wedges

Instructions:In a large pot, combine the minced garlic, grated ginger, fish sauce, shrimp paste, turmeric powder, and chili powder. Mix well to form a paste.
Add the fish fillets to the pot and coat them with the spice paste.
Pour the water or fish stock into the pot, covering the fish completely.
Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes until the fish is cooked through and tender.
Remove the fish fillets from the pot and set them aside.
Using a blender or immersion blender, puree the broth until smooth.
Return the pureed broth to the pot and add the coconut milk. Stir well to combine.
Bring the broth back to a simmer and season with salt to taste.
Flake the cooked fish fillets into small pieces and add them back to the soup. Let it simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
To serve, place a portion of cooked rice noodles in a bowl and ladle the fish soup over the noodles.
Garnish with chopped green onions, chopped cilantro, and a squeeze of lime juice.Mote hin khar is typically enjoyed as a hearty and comforting meal. The flavorful broth and tender fish combined with the rice noodles create a delicious and satisfying dish. Feel free to adjust the seasonings and spice levels according to your taste preferences.

Si htamin is a traditional dish originating from Myanmar (Burma). The dish is usually made with a combination of glutinous rice, thinly sliced onions, turmeric, oil, and salt. The onions are sautéed in oil, sprinkled with turmeric, and removed from the pan.

The glutinous rice is washed, drained, added to the remaining oil in the pan, sprinkled with salt, stirred, covered with water, and cooked over low heat. Once fully cooked, the rice is garnished with a mixture of fried onions and turmeric, which gives it a golden hue.

The only thing I like better than talking about Food is eating.
I get way too much happiness from good food.
If I share my food with you, it's a big deal.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
“People who love to eat are always the best people.” —Julia Child

28 October, 2023

Myanmar tea leaf salad : Lahpet Thoke (Fermented Tea Leaf Salad)

In a typical lahpet thoke (or fermented tea leaf salad), fried legumes such as butter beans or yellow split peas, as well as toasted sesame seeds, fried garlic, roasted peanuts, dried shrimp, chili, sliced tomatoes, shredded cabbage, and oil, are added to the pickled tea leaves. You can then add fresh lime juice or fish sauce to the season.
The original taste of tea leaf is very bitter and its bitterness is therefore reduced after the rinsing and fermentation processes. The traditional process calls for a full fermentation of 3 to 4 months.

Myanmar Tea Leaf Salad, also known as "Lahpet Thoke," is a traditional and popular dish in Burmese cuisine. It's a unique and flavorful salad made with fermented tea leaves, various crunchy and savory ingredients, and a variety of seasonings. Here's an overview of this iconic Burmese dish:

Ingredients:Fermented Tea Leaves: The star ingredient, fermented tea leaves, are usually slightly bitter and tangy. They are a key component that gives the salad its distinct flavor.
Crunchy Components: Common additions include roasted peanuts, fried garlic, fried lentils, and sesame seeds. These ingredients add texture and flavor contrast to the salad.
Tomatoes: Sliced or diced tomatoes add freshness and juiciness to the salad.
Shredded Cabbage: Provides a crisp and mild base for the salad.
Green Chili Peppers: These add a touch of heat and spiciness.
Other Vegetables: Some variations might include sliced green beans, julienned carrots, or jicama for extra crunch.
Dressing: The dressing typically consists of ingredients like fish sauce, lime juice, garlic oil, and sometimes a bit of chili paste for extra flavor.

Myanmar Tea Leaf Salad, also known as "Lahpet Thoke," is a traditional and popular dish in Burmese cuisine. It's a unique and flavorful salad made with fermented tea leaves, various crunchy and savory ingredients, and a variety of seasonings. Here's an overview of this iconic Burmese dish:

Ingredients:Fermented Tea Leaves: The star ingredient, fermented tea leaves, are usually slightly bitter and tangy. They are a key component that gives the salad its distinct flavor.
Crunchy Components: Common additions include roasted peanuts, fried garlic, fried lentils, and sesame seeds. These ingredients add texture and flavor contrast to the salad.
Tomatoes: Sliced or diced tomatoes add freshness and juiciness to the salad.
Shredded Cabbage: Provides a crisp and mild base for the salad.
Green Chili Peppers: These add a touch of heat and spiciness.
Other Vegetables: Some variations might include sliced green beans, julienned carrots, or jicama for extra crunch.
Dressing: The dressing typically consists of ingredients like fish sauce, lime juice, garlic oil, and sometimes a bit of chili paste for extra flavor.

Preparation:The fermented tea leaves are soaked in water to soften them.
The various crunchy components are prepared by roasting or frying them until they're crispy and aromatic.
The ingredients are then combined in a mixing bowl with the softened tea leaves, shredded cabbage, tomatoes, and other vegetables.
The dressing ingredients are mixed separately and then poured over the salad.
Everything is mixed together thoroughly, ensuring that the dressing is evenly distributed and coats all the ingredients.

Serving: Myanmar Tea Leaf Salad is often served as a communal dish, where everyone at the table can help themselves. It's usually eaten with the fingers or using utensils. The combination of textures, flavors, and the unique tang of the fermented tea leaves creates a memorable culinary experience.

Myanmar Tea Leaf Salad is not only delicious but also carries cultural significance. It's a dish that reflects the diversity and depth of Burmese cuisine, and it's enjoyed as a shared meal among friends and family. It's also a wonderful example of how ingredients unique to a particular region can come together to create a harmonious and flavorful dish.

the Philippine ground orchid

the Philippine ground orchid or large purple orchid is an evergreen, terrestrial plant with crowded pseudobulbs, three or four large, pleated leaves, and up to forty resupinate, pink to purple flowers. The Philippine ground orchid, scientifically known as Spathoglottis plicata, is a captivating floral gem that graces the landscapes of the Philippines with its vibrant elegance. This enchanting orchid species stands out not only for its beauty but also for its adaptability and resilience. Displaying a diverse array of colors including shades of purple, pink, white, and even yellow, the Philippine ground orchid blooms in clusters of delicate petals that exude a subtle yet enchanting fragrance. What sets it apart is its ability to thrive in a variety of environments, from gardens to open fields, and even along roadsides. Its versatility and hardiness have made it a symbol of endurance and grace, embodying the spirit of the Filipino people. Whether adorning manicured gardens or adding a touch of nature to urban landscapes, the Philippine ground orchid stands as a reminder of the country's rich biodiversity and its capacity to flourish against all odds.

27 October, 2023

Myanmar Noodle Salad, Tea Leaf Salad, and Tomato Salad

Myanmar Noodle Salad, also known as Burmese Noodle Salad or Mandalay Noodle Salad, is a popular and flavorful dish from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). It is a refreshing salad that combines noodles with a variety of fresh vegetables, herbs, and a tangy dressing. Here's a basic recipe for Myanmar Noodle Salad:

Ingredients:Rice noodles or egg noodles
Shredded cabbage
Shredded carrots
Thinly sliced cucumbers
Thinly sliced red onions
Chopped fresh cilantro
Chopped green onions
Crushed roasted peanuts
Lime wedges (for serving)

Dressing:Fish sauce
Lime juice
Garlic, minced
Red chili flakes or fresh red chili (optional)
Sesame oil

Instructions:Cook the rice noodles or egg noodles according to the package instructions. Drain and rinse them under cold water to cool them down. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl, prepare the dressing by combining fish sauce, lime juice, minced garlic, red chili flakes or fresh red chili (if desired), sugar, and a drizzle of sesame oil. Adjust the quantities to suit your taste preferences.
In a large serving bowl, combine the cooked noodles, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, sliced cucumbers, sliced red onions, chopped cilantro, and chopped green onions.
Pour the dressing over the salad and toss well to coat all the ingredients evenly.
Sprinkle crushed roasted peanuts on top for added crunch and flavor.
Serve the Myanmar Noodle Salad chilled or at room temperature. Garnish with lime wedges on the side, which can be squeezed over the salad before eating for extra tanginess.
Feel free to customize the salad by adding other vegetables or protein sources such as cooked chicken, shrimp, or tofu. Myanmar Noodle Salad is a versatile dish that can be adjusted to suit individual preferences.
Enjoy the refreshing flavors of this delicious Burmese salad!

Red roses

Red roses symbolize all those things that make a love story great: Passion, desire, true love, and romance. It's no wonder why the red rose has become a classic Valentine's Day flower!

Red roses symbolize all those things that make a love story great: Passion, desire, true love, and romance. It's no wonder why the red rose has become a classic Valentine's Day flower!

Red roses are a bit obvious, don’t you think? Whether it’s an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or a funeral, red roses are often incorporated into the celebration (or mourning) in one way or another. But see, that’s part of what makes the meaning of a red rose so confusing. After all, how can something that’s seen as a token of passion and love also be a symbol of death? To find out, we talked with two psychics about what red roses symbolize. Ahead, learn whether or not you want to keep giving (or expecting) the beautiful flower laced with meaning.

26 October, 2023

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' , Garden Roses

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' , Garden Roses

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth'' is a classic garden rose cultivar that has been a popular choice among rose enthusiasts for decades. Here's some information about this particular rose variety:Cultivar Name: Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth'
Common Name: Queen Elizabeth Rose
Type: Hybrid Tea Rose
Origin: The Queen Elizabeth Rose was introduced in 1954 by rose breeder Dr. Walter Lammerts.

Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth' is a pink Grandiflora rose cultivar, bred by rose grower, Dr. Walter Lammerts in the United States in 1954. The rose variety is very popular worldwide and has won numerous awards, including "World's Favorite Rose".

The flowers have a high-centered to cupped bloom form. Buds are pointed. The leaves are large, leathery, and dark green with rounded leaflets.

The plant's sturdy, upright stems make it a popular cutting rose. It is a vigorous rose with thick stems and large prickles and grows well in poor soils.Description: This hybrid tea rose is known for its elegant and graceful appearance. It typically produces large, high-centered blooms with a classic rose shape. The flowers are usually a soft, light pink color, which can vary slightly depending on growing conditions. The blooms are often fragrant and have a sweet, traditional rose scent.
Growth Habit: Queen Elizabeth Roses typically grow as upright and tall bushes, reaching heights of around 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 meters) and sometimes even taller under optimal conditions.
Foliage: The foliage is generally dark green and glossy, providing a lush backdrop to the beautiful blooms.
Care: Like many garden roses, Queen Elizabeth Roses thrive in well-draining soil with plenty of sunlight. Regular pruning and deadheading (removing spent blooms) can encourage continuous flowering throughout the growing season. Adequate water and fertilization are also important for healthy growth and abundant blooms.
Uses: Queen Elizabeth Roses are often used as focal points in garden beds and borders due to their striking appearance. They also make excellent cut flowers, with their long stems and beautiful blooms making them popular choices for floral arrangements.

25 October, 2023

Be strong and courageous. Chiang Mai Thailand

Be strong and courageous. "Be strong and courageous" is an inspirational and motivational phrase often used to encourage people to face challenges and obstacles in life with determination and bravery. It's a reminder that strength and courage are qualities that can help individuals overcome adversity and achieve their goals. This phrase can be especially meaningful in times of uncertainty or difficulty, as it reminds us to believe in ourselves and our ability to persevere.

24 October, 2023

Life is difficult but i get in a good mood by looking at flowers. Chiang Mai Thailand

It's wonderful to hear that looking at flowers brings you joy and improves your mood! Nature has a way of uplifting our spirits and providing a sense of calm and beauty. Finding simple pleasures like observing flowers can be a great way to cope with the challenges that life presents. If you find that nature has a positive impact on your mood, you might also consider spending more time outdoors, exploring different natural settings, or even trying your hand at gardening. These activities can offer a sustained source of happiness and well-being. Remember that it's important to find healthy and positive ways to cope with life's difficulties, and it sounds like you're onto something really beneficial!
Planting pink roses in your home garden sounds like a wonderful idea! Roses are known for their beauty and fragrance, and pink roses, in particular, often symbolize admiration, gratitude, and joy. Here are some steps to consider when planting and caring for pink roses in your home garden:
Choose the Right Location: Roses typically need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Choose a spot in your garden that receives adequate sunlight and has well-draining soil.
Prepare the Soil: Roses prefer rich, well-draining soil. You can amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost, to improve its texture and fertility.

Select Rose Varieties: There are many different varieties of pink roses to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics. Some popular pink rose varieties include 'Pink Peace,' 'Queen Elizabeth,' and 'Pink Perfection.' Research different varieties to find the ones that suit your preferences and climate.
Planting: Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the root ball of the rose plant. Place the rose in the hole, making sure the bud union (the knobby part where the graft was made) is at or slightly above ground level. Fill the hole with soil and water the plant well.
Watering: Roses need regular watering, especially during their growing season. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Mulching around the base of the plant can help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
Fertilizing: Roses benefit from regular fertilization. Use a balanced fertilizer formulated for roses according to the package instructions. Avoid over-fertilization, as this can lead to excessive growth without many blooms.
Pruning: Pruning helps promote healthy growth and abundant flowering. Prune your roses in early spring before new growth begins. Remove dead or diseased wood and shape the plant as desired.

Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for common rose pests like aphids and diseases like powdery mildew. Regularly inspect your roses and take appropriate action if you notice any issues.
Support: Depending on the variety, your pink roses may need support as they grow. Consider providing stakes or trellises to help keep the plant upright.
Enjoy the Blooms: Once your pink roses start blooming, take time to appreciate their beauty and fragrance. Cut some blooms to bring indoors and brighten up your living space.

Remember that gardening requires patience and care. While roses can be a bit demanding, the rewards of seeing those beautiful pink blooms can be truly fulfilling. Happy gardening!

19 October, 2023

“Flowers are like friends; They bring color to your world.” Rose by Royal Project Chiang Mai Thailand

Roses by Royal Project Chiang Mai Thailand
The analogy of flowers to friends beautifully captures the way both can add vibrancy and joy to our lives. Just as flowers bring color and beauty to the world around us, friends bring warmth, companionship, and a sense of belonging. This quote from the Royal Project in Chiang Mai, Thailand, emphasizes the importance of these connections in enriching our experiences and making life more beautiful. It's a reminder to cherish and appreciate both the literal and metaphorical blooms in our lives.

A bunch of red roses is a classic and timeless symbol of love and affection. The vibrant red hue signifies passion, deep emotions, and romantic feelings. When presented as a bouquet, red roses can convey a powerful message of love, making them a popular choice for special occasions like anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or to express heartfelt sentiments on any meaningful day.

The sight and scent of a bunch of red roses can evoke strong emotions and create a sense of warmth and intimacy. It's a gesture that carries a sense of tradition and is sure to be appreciated by the recipient. Whether given as a romantic gesture or as a symbol of deep friendship and admiration, red roses remain a meaningful and cherished gift.

Giving red roses as a gift is a timeless and romantic gesture that conveys deep feelings of love, passion, and affection. It's a symbol of admiration and an expression of strong emotions. Here are a few occasions where giving red roses as a gift is particularly meaningful:

Valentine's Day: This is perhaps the most classic occasion for giving red roses. They are a quintessential symbol of romantic love, making them the perfect gift to express your feelings on this special day.
Anniversaries: Whether it's a wedding anniversary or the anniversary of a significant milestone in a relationship, red roses are a beautiful way to commemorate the occasion and reaffirm your love.
Birthdays: Red roses can be a thoughtful gift for a romantic partner on their birthday, expressing your affection and appreciation for them.
Apology or Reconciliation: If you've had a disagreement or want to make amends, red roses can serve as a sincere gesture to show your remorse and desire for reconciliation.
Special Achievements or Milestones: Whether it's a graduation, a promotion, or any other significant achievement, red roses can be a touching way to celebrate someone's success.
Engagements and Proposals: Red roses can be a beautiful addition to an engagement or proposal, symbolizing the love and commitment you share.
Just Because: Sometimes, there's no special occasion necessary to give red roses. They can be a spontaneous gesture to show your love and appreciation for someone special in your life.

18 October, 2023

Politeness is the flower of humanity. ROSE

That's a lovely sentiment! Politeness is indeed a fundamental aspect of human interaction, as it promotes respect, consideration, and understanding between individuals. It helps create a more harmonious and pleasant social environment. Just as flowers add beauty to a garden, politeness adds grace to our interactions with one another. It's a simple yet powerful way to show kindness and empathy, ultimately contributing to a more compassionate and connected society.

flowers enhance the beauty of a garden, politeness enhances the beauty of human interactions and relationships. It implies that acts of politeness, such as showing respect, consideration, and kindness, are essential qualities that contribute to a more harmonious and pleasant society. Much like flowers can brighten up a space, politeness can brighten up the atmosphere in any social situation.

A pink rose is a symbol of grace, admiration, gratitude, and affection. It carries a gentleness and sweetness that sets it apart from other roses. Pink roses can convey a range of emotions, from joy and appreciation to admiration and sympathy.

They are often associated with expressions of love, gratitude, and appreciation. Different shades of pink can carry slightly different meanings, with lighter shades representing innocence and gentleness, and darker shades expressing deeper gratitude or admiration. Overall, a pink rose is a beautiful and versatile flower that can be given on various occasions to convey heartfelt sentiments.