29 February, 2024

Flowers are like FRIENDS. They bring colors to the world.

Feelings cannot touched that resulting from emotions, sentiments or desires. People buy products in hopes that the product will make them feel happy, exicted or beautiful.

Purple flowers are known for their beauty and often symbolize elegance, enchantment, and admiration. There are numerous types of purple flowers, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are a few examples:

Lavender: Lavender flowers have a soothing fragrance and are commonly used in aromatherapy. They are known for their delicate purple color and are often associated with relaxation and tranquility.

Irises: Irises are striking flowers with tall, slender stems and vibrant purple petals. They symbolize wisdom, courage, and admiration. Orchids: Orchids come in various colors, including shades of purple. They are known for their exotic beauty and represent love, luxury, and strength.

Lilacs: Lilacs are fragrant flowers that bloom in clusters of purple, lavender, or white blossoms. They are associated with youthful innocence and often symbolize first love.

Hyacinths: Hyacinths produce dense clusters of small, bell-shaped flowers in various colors, including purple. They are known for their sweet fragrance and represent playfulness and sport. Clematis: Clematis is a climbing vine with beautiful purple flowers. It symbolizes mental beauty, ingenuity, and charm. These are just a few examples, and there are many more varieties of purple flowers to explore and enjoy.

Flowers are like FRIENDS. They bring colors to the world. Chiang Mai Thailand

27 February, 2024

Design and Paint Your Own Elephant in Chiang Mai

The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is as one of the best elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai as our track record of sustainable and ethical treatment speaks for itself. Our elephant reserve in Chiang Mai has many options for visitors to experience the wonderful elephants of Thailand.

The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is a well-known organization that operates ethical elephant sanctuaries in Thailand. They are dedicated to providing a safe and natural environment for rescued elephants, where they can live peacefully and free from exploitation.

Kanta Elephant Sanctuary is definitely one of the more well-known sanctuaries in Chiang Mai. This sanctuary offers a safe retirement home for elephants that had previously worked in the tourism industry. More than 15 elephants roam free here, many of whom have been saved from torturous camps.

Ethical Approach: The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary follows an ethical and responsible approach towards elephant tourism. They aim to promote the welfare of elephants and educate visitors about their conservation. They do not support activities that involve riding, performing, or any form of mistreatment of elephants.

The Best Places to See Elephants in Thailand
Elephant Nature Park.
Friends of the Asian Elephant Hospital.
Elephant Hills.
Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand.
Elephant Jungle Sanctuary.
The Happy Elephant Home.
Phang Nga Elephant Park.
Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary

The elephant, as a national treasure of Thailand, is a sacred symbol of the Thai people. Elephants play a very important role in Thai people's life; and it, as a culture, has penetrated into all aspects of Thai society.
Rescue and Rehabilitation: The sanctuary rescues elephants that have been mistreated, used for logging or street begging, or involved in other forms of exploitation. They provide a safe haven for these elephants to recover physically and emotionally from their past experiences.

What to Wear. Ideal attire is loose, comfortable clothing for walking around in hot weather, with sneakers on your feet to maneuver through any mud and high grass. Then, a change of waterproof clothes and flip flops for bathing the elephants, since you get in the water up to your knees and can easily get splashed.
Natural Habitat: The elephants at the sanctuary are allowed to roam freely in large, natural forested areas. They can engage in natural behaviors such as foraging, bathing, and socializing with other elephants.

the top 10 elephant riding parks in Chiang Mai and start an Elephant Tour now.
Maesa Elephant Camp. Maesa Elephant Camp. ...
Maetaeng Elephant Park. Maetaeng Elephant Park. ...
Elephant Rescue Park. ...
Maetang Elephant Park. ...
Patara Elephant Farm. ...
Baanchang Elephant Park. ...
Elephant Carer Home. ...
Chiangmai Mahout Training Centre.

The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is as one of the best elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai as our track record of sustainable and ethical treatment speaks for itself. Our elephant reserve in Chiang Mai has many options for visitors to experience the wonderful elephants of Thailand.

Elephant Nature Park is located near the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai and is home to more than 35 free-roaming elephants, many of which have been rescued from the logging and tourism industries. A day out at Elephant Nature Park is both informative and fun.
Observational Visits: Visitors to the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary can participate in guided tours that focus on observation and interaction with the elephants in a respectful manner. They can feed the elephants, bathe them in the river, and learn about their behavior and conservation.

Education and Conservation: The sanctuary places a strong emphasis on educating visitors about the challenges faced by elephants in Thailand and the importance of their conservation. They aim to raise awareness and promote responsible tourism practices that prioritize the well-being of elephants.

Community Involvement: The Elephant Jungle Sanctuary also works closely with local communities to create sustainable livelihoods that do not involve exploiting elephants. They provide employment opportunities to local villagers, who serve as guides and caretakers at the sanctuary.

It's important to support organizations like the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary that prioritize the welfare and conservation of elephants. By visiting such sanctuaries and promoting responsible tourism, we can contribute to the protection of these magnificent creatures and the preservation of their natural habitats.

26 February, 2024

inspired photography

spring sky
The spring sky is a canvas of vivid hues, painted with the delicate pinks and blues of dawn. As the sun ascends, it washes the landscape in soft, golden light. Early risers witness this daily masterpiece, feeling its promise of new beginnings.

spring sky
By mid-morning, the sky boasts a brilliant azure, speckled occasionally by wispy, white clouds drifting lazily. The sun shines with unfiltered glory, coaxing blooms and leaves to unfurl. Birds chirp melodiously, adding a soundtrack to the visual splendor.

spring sky
As afternoon matures, the sky deepens into a richer blue, occasionally dotted with fluffier cumulus clouds. These towering figures cast playful shadows over the earth, cooling patches of the warming ground. The air is fresh, scented with the fragrance of spring flowers.

spring sky
As dusk approaches, the sky transforms yet again, this time into a palette of oranges and purples. The setting sun throws its last rays upward, painting the clouds. Stars begin to peek from their veils, promising the quiet calm of a spring night.

24 February, 2024

Love is Green.

Love is Green.
A fallen leaf typically refers to a leaf that has detached from its tree or plant and fallen to the ground. This natural occurrence happens as part of the leaf's life cycle, particularly during the autumn season when deciduous trees shed their leaves.

Fall breeze and autumn leaves. When a leaf falls, it is usually because it has completed its purpose in the tree's growth and photosynthesis process. The change in seasons, particularly the shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures, triggers the tree to halt the production of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for the green color in leaves. As chlorophyll production ceases, other pigments such as carotenoids (yellow and orange) and anthocyanins (red and purple) become more prominent, creating the vibrant autumn foliage.

Fall leaves, cool breeze, can't lose. Eventually, the tree forms an abscission layer at the base of each leaf stem, which severs the connection between the leaf and the tree. The leaf then falls, aided by wind or gravity, and lands on the ground.

“Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar.” — Delia Owens Once on the ground, fallen leaves play a significant role in the ecosystem. They provide organic matter that decomposes, enriching the soil with nutrients and improving its structure. They also create habitats for various organisms, including insects, fungi, and small animals.

“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves...” — Virginia Woolf In addition to their ecological importance, fallen leaves are often celebrated for their aesthetic appeal. Many people enjoy the vibrant colors and crunching sound they make when walked upon. They are frequently associated with seasonal activities like raking leaves into piles and jumping into them or using them for crafting purposes.

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald Overall, fallen leaves are a natural part of the life cycle of trees and play a vital role in maintaining the health of ecosystems.

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” ― J.K. Rowling

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray

“In every change, in every falling leaf, there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.” - Amit Ray

The wet season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs. Generally, the season lasts at least a month. The term green season is also sometimes used as a euphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the tropics and subtropics.

Usually rainy season in India starts in late May. It occurs due to influence of monsoon winds and last until September.

The rainy or 'monsoon' season in Thailand occurs between July and October. The rains in the first few months are heavy but inconsistent (lasting just a few hours), whereas towards the end they become more persistent. The best time to visit is during the hot season, which lasts from March to June.

23 February, 2024

"Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up." -Leonardo da Vinci Chiang Mai Thailand

Evening is the period of a day that starts at the end of the afternoon and overlaps with the beginning of night. The exact times when evening begins and ends depend on location, time of year, and culture, but it is generally regarded as beginning when the Sun is low in the sky and lasting until the end of twilight.

"Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up." -Leonardo da Vinci Chiang Mai Thailand 

eventide, dusk, twilight, gloaming, nightfall.

22 February, 2024

cute leaves at the small village near Doi Inthanon Thailand

Nature, in the broadest sense, is the physical world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science.

Nature is all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people.

If you love nature, you will find beauty anywhere. Adopt the pace of nature. Nature is my medicine. There's no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you'll find a better connection.

Study nature, love nature, and stay close to nature. It will never fail you. – Frank Lloyd Wright

Plants and trees are all around. Chiang Mai Thailand

Trees are an important part of our natural environment and provide a wide range of benefits, including producing oxygen, providing shade and shelter, preventing erosion, and serving as habitats for wildlife. If you are interested in planting a tree, here are some general steps to follow:
Choose the right type of tree. Consider the climate, soil type, and available space when selecting a tree species. Native species are typically a good choice, as they are well-adapted to the local environment.
Prepare the planting site. Clear any weeds or debris from the area where you plan to plant the tree. Dig a hole that is at least twice as wide as the root ball and slightly shallower than the depth of the root ball.
Plant the tree. Carefully remove the tree from its container or burlap sack and place it in the hole. Make sure the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding soil. Backfill the hole with soil, and tamp it down gently to remove air pockets.
Water the tree. Give the tree a thorough watering after planting, and continue to water it regularly for the first few months to help it establish its root system. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
Mulch around the tree. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. Make sure the mulch does not touch the trunk of the tree, as this can lead to rot.
Prune as needed. Prune any damaged or diseased branches as they occur, and remove any suckers or water sprouts that emerge from the base of the tree.
Remember to check your local regulations before planting a tree, as there may be restrictions on the types or locations of trees that can be planted in your area.

TART KHON MUANG , Chiang Mai , Thailand

You don't have to spend money to buy one egg tart from a famous shop for 30-40 baht. Tart for our townspeople. A tart that is not only egg tart. This shop has a variety of more than 10 pages ever. Especially for the seasonal fruit page, fresh fruit is adapted into a tart top that blends in flavor. Like right now, the most satisfying thing is durian, tart, city people, a small shop located in front of Wat Phan Tao. (near Chedi Luang Temple, Woramahawihan)

A tart is a type of pastry dish that typically consists of a crisp or crumbly crust filled with various ingredients, such as fruits, custards, creams, or savory fillings. Tarts can be sweet or savory and are often served as individual portions or as larger pies that are sliced into wedges.

The crust of a tart is usually made from ingredients like flour, butter, and sometimes sugar. It is rolled out and fitted into a tart pan or tartlet molds, forming a base for the filling. The crust can be pre-baked before adding the filling or baked together with the filling, depending on the recipe.

Sweet tarts often feature fruit fillings like apples, berries, or citrus, which can be combined with sugar, spices, or custard-like creams. They can be topped with lattice crusts, streusel, or simply left open-faced. Some popular sweet tart varieties include fruit tarts, lemon tarts, and chocolate tarts.

Savory tarts, on the other hand, are often filled with ingredients like vegetables, cheese, eggs, or meats. They can be made with a variety of savory crusts, including shortcrust pastry or puff pastry. Some examples of savory tarts include quiches, tomato tarts, or mushroom tarts.
Tarts offer endless possibilities for creativity and flavor combinations. They can be served warm or at room temperature, and they make for delightful desserts, appetizers, or light meals. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, tarts are a versatile and delicious treat that can be enjoyed on their own or accompanied by sauces, creams, or ice cream. The combination of a buttery crust and flavorful fillings makes tarts a delightful culinary choice.

21 February, 2024

“Art is the flower… Life the green leaf.” - Charles Rennie MacKintosh

Butterfly Pea flower 💜
A regal and striking colour, purple flowers symbolize respect, royalty, dignity, tradition and success. A bouquet containing purple flowers can be sent as symbol of admiration and adoration, making them a meaningful gift to those you truly admire!

those purple flowers made me happy. The most popular, light purple lilac symbolizes first love and can be used to recall feelings of young love this Valentine's Day.

Rare to see this cute Red so I had to take a snap.
Although red flowers are most commonly associated with feelings of true love and passion, they can also be used to convey respect, desire, and courage.

The names autumn and fall are both commonly used. Autumn is thought to be slightly older, appearing in the 1300s, with the word fall first appearing around the 1500s in reference to leaves falling off trees.

The light is good enough to keep this beautiful