06 June, 2020

It’s a great view from here. I’m having the time of my life. Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai Thailand #SMSnotes

6 June 2020
a wonderful time at Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai! Doi Suthep is a beautiful and significant mountain in northern Thailand, known for its stunning views, cultural significance, and the Wat Phra That Doi Suthep temple that sits atop it. The temple is not only a religious site but also a popular tourist destination due to its breathtaking architecture, intricate details, and the panoramic views it offers of Chiang Mai and its surroundings.

The journey up the mountain, whether by road or by climbing the Naga staircase with its dragon-shaped railings, adds to the sense of adventure and anticipation. Once you reach the temple, you're rewarded with a serene and spiritual atmosphere, as well as an incredible vista that stretches out below you.

The combination of natural beauty, cultural significance, and the feeling of being on top of the world makes Doi Suthep a memorable and cherished experience for many visitors.

Enjoy the moment and make the most of your time at this special place!

03 June, 2020

Thep Sadet Waterfall in Doi Saket , Chiang Mai Thailand #SMSnotes

Thep Sadet is a tambon of Doi Saket District, in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. In 2005 it had a population of 1,716 people. The tambon contains eight villages. Thep-Sadet Sub-district has been established as a community for at least 100 years.

THEP SADET WATERFALL is located at Tambon Thep Sadet, Amphoe Doi Saket, Province Chiang Mai 50220. View map and discover what's near this location today.

fav photo that I took through out half of the year 2020

3 June 2020

A trip to the farm is good for the soul. Doi Saket Thailand #SMSnotes

3 June 2020

A trip to the farm is good for the soul. Doi Saket Thailand #SMSnotes

Backyard farming is the practice of utilizing any kind of space you have in order to grow and produce your own food. Whether you have a large or small yard, or even a balcony, you are able to have a backyard farm.

A vegetable garden (also known as a vegetable patch or vegetable plot) is a garden that exists to grow vegetables and other plants useful for human consumption, in contrast to a flower garden that exists for aesthetic purposes.

Fruits like all types of watermelon, the various types of cantaloupe, and Crenshaw melons are good examples and places to start. If weather permits, you should also consider stone fruits like most types of peaches, plums, and apricots. Berries, apples, and pears are also a favorite among backyard farmers.

People often have a romantic idea of what farming is like — roosters crowing, farmers driving tractors and milking goats — although farming can be very hard work, dependent on food prices and weather. The noun farm originally meant "a lease on farm land," and it comes from the Medieval Latin firma, "fixed payment.

02 June, 2020

Mon Jodd , Chiang Mai Thailand #SMSnotes

missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them. #SMSnotes #2020memories
The feeling of missing someone is essentially a feeling of love for that person. In the early stages of relationships, the feeling of missing someone might not be that intense. You might only miss someone on a day-to-day basis, but it's still a feeling of missing them.

01 June, 2020

A kind of sky view #SMSnotes

1 JUN 2020
A sky view, especially from a place like Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai, offers a unique and awe-inspiring perspective. Looking at the world from above can evoke a sense of wonder and humility as you realize the vastness and beauty of the landscape below. From a sky view, you might notice:

Panoramic Landscape: The sprawling landscape spreads out before you, revealing the contours of the land, the patterns of fields and forests, and the meandering rivers that shape the terrain.

City Lights: If you're observing the sky view at night, the twinkling lights of the city below create a mesmerizing display, giving you a glimpse into the vibrant life of the urban area.
Natural Beauty: The lush greenery, rolling hills, and majestic mountains all take on a different perspective from above, showcasing the intricacies of the natural world.

Cloud Formations: Depending on the weather, you might witness an ever-changing canvas of clouds, ranging from fluffy cumulus clouds to dramatic storm clouds.
Sunrise and Sunset: The sky view offers an incredible vantage point for witnessing the magical transitions of sunrise and sunset, as the colors of the sky shift and blend in a captivating dance.

Bird's-Eye View: Seeing buildings, roads, and landmarks from above can give you a new understanding of how everything is interconnected, and how human creations fit into the broader landscape.
Sense of Freedom: Being above it all can create a feeling of freedom and detachment from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to appreciate the moment and gain perspective.

Peace and Tranquility: The quiet serenity of the sky view can offer a peaceful escape from the noise and stress of daily routines.
Contemplation and Reflection: The vastness of the sky and the world below can inspire contemplation, introspection, and a sense of connection to something larger than ourselves.

Connection with Nature: Viewing the world from above reinforces our connection to the planet and the universe, reminding us of our place in the grand scheme of things.

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. #SMSnotes

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. It is on such days, that you can connect to your inner child once again. #2020memories

The simple joys in life, like the pleasure of a rainy day, often can't be purchased with money. There's a unique and calming beauty in the sound of raindrops, the earthy scent, and the cozy feeling of being indoors. These experiences can bring a sense of contentment and peace that no amount of wealth can replicate. It's a reminder that some of life's most precious moments are freely available to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Rainy days in October can be a wonderful transition from the warmth of summer to the coziness of autumn. The sound of rain tapping on windows, the crispness in the air, and the vibrant colors of changing leaves create a unique atmosphere. It's a time to enjoy indoor activities like reading a book, sipping hot beverages, or spending quality time with loved ones. Some people find a sense of comfort and inspiration in these days, using them as an opportunity for reflection and creativity. Remember to also appreciate the beauty of nature as it undergoes its seasonal transformation.

It brings to mind the idea of nature's resilience and beauty even in adverse conditions. The juxtaposition of delicate, colorful blooms against the backdrop of raindrops can create a striking visual. It's a reminder that life and growth persist even during challenging times. This image has been used in various forms of art, literature, and music to convey themes of hope, renewal, and the enduring strength of nature.

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. It is on such days, that you can connect to your inner child once again.

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. It is on such days, that you can connect to your inner child once again.

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. It is on such days, that you can connect to your inner child once again.

There are many things money cannot buy, and one of them is the pleasure of a rainy day. It is on such days, that you can connect to your inner child once again.