30 September, 2023

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir #SMSnotes

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir, also known as Huay Tung Tao or Huay Tung Thao, is a popular recreational area located in the Mae Rim district of Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is a man-made reservoir surrounded by picturesque mountains and lush greenery, offering a serene and natural environment.

The reservoir was created to provide water for agricultural purposes and to help mitigate flooding in the region. Over time, it has become a favorite destination for both locals and tourists who seek relaxation and outdoor activities.

Visitors to Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir can enjoy a range of recreational activities. There are bamboo huts and restaurants along the reservoir's banks where visitors can relax and enjoy the scenic views while having a picnic or a meal. The reservoir is also popular for fishing, and visitors can rent fishing equipment and try their hand at catching fish.

In addition, there are various water activities available at Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir. Visitors can rent paddle boats or kayaks and explore the calm waters of the reservoir. Swimming is also allowed in designated areas, providing a refreshing experience during the hot summer months.
The surrounding area of the reservoir offers beautiful trails for hiking and biking. Nature lovers can take leisurely walks or challenging hikes while admiring the natural beauty of the mountains and forests.

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir is easily accessible from Chiang Mai city, located just about 15 kilometers away. Many visitors choose to rent a motorbike or hire a songthaew (a shared taxi truck) to reach the reservoir.

Overall, Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir is a wonderful destination for those seeking a peaceful getaway in nature, offering a range of activities to enjoy and a beautiful setting to relax and unwind.

Hammock Time: Set up a hammock between two trees or use a portable hammock stand if available. Gently sway back and forth, enjoying the soothing motion while you read, listen to music, or simply close your eyes and enjoy the moment.

Gentle Walks: Take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shore or nearby trails. Enjoy the scenery, breathe in the fresh air, and let the calming presence of the water and nature help you relax and unwind.

Paddleboarding or Kayaking: Engage in a calming water activity by renting or bringing your own paddleboard or kayak. Glide across the calm waters of the lake, taking in the sights and sounds of the surrounding nature. It can be a meditative and peaceful experience.

Picnicking: Pack a delicious picnic with your favorite snacks, fruits, sandwiches, and refreshing drinks. Find a comfortable spot by the lake and enjoy a leisurely meal while savoring the scenic view.

Remember to be mindful of your surroundings, respect the environment, and follow any rules or regulations set by the lake authorities. Enjoy the tranquility and embrace the opportunity to relax and recharge amidst nature's beauty.

When you don't get enough sunlight, it can lower the amount of serotonin your body produces, which can negatively affect your mood. Gloomy days can wreak havoc on the melatonin levels in our body making it harder for some people to get up on those dark mornings.

However, if skies are cloudy, some of the sun's rays are reflected off the cloud droplets back into space. Therefore, less of the sun's energy is able to reach the earth's surface, which causes the earth to heat up more slowly. This leads to cooler temperatures.

"There is beauty even in the cold and cloudy days of life. You just have to look a little deeper." -Taj Pacleb #SMSnotes #May2021

29 September, 2023

New year parties at Night Bazaar in Chiang Mai Thailand #SMSnotes

The Chiang Mai Night Bazaar is a flamboyant market mostly dedicated to antique and handicrafts stores. It is a present-day legacy of the Yunnanese caravans that stopped here on a busy trading route. Get a glimpse into the local culture with an evening stroll through this active bazaar.

Marvel at the remarkable talent that goes into the portrait paintings that decorate the many stalls of the market. Browse the handicrafts and Thai antiques, which are among the main products in the bazaar. Jewelry, toys, clothing, and electronics comprise the rest of this exceptional lineup.
Look for souvenirs to take to family and friends back home. The market is about 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) long. Visit the many restaurants, hotels, and shops during the day. Vendors wheel out their metal stalls in the late afternoon. Consider haggling for your products, as many vendors do not have set, marked prices.

Walk along the side streets to reach the adjacent Kalare Night Bazaar, which is more focused on upscale clothing and home décor. Dine at one of the many stalls and restaurants in the Kalare Food Center. Try the banana roti sweet pastry and other products in the Anusran Market, which specializes in low-cost food.

Stroll to the Art in Paradise complex just south of the bazaar for the fascinating illusions and bizarre photos in 3-D form.

Meander through the market from early evening until midnight any day year-round, regardless of weather. It is free to enter, with prices varying from stall to stall.

The Chiang Mai Night Bazaar is just east of the city moat and west of the Ping River in the northern part of the city. Follow the Th Chang Khlan footpath from Th Tha Phae to Th Loi Kroh. Visit nearby attractions, such as the Iron Bridge and the Wat Buppharam.

There is a small number of restaurants and burger, and pizza shops along the Night Bazaar, plus a heap of mobile food street stalls for those in need of a quick bite. Banana Roti, yum. Highly recommended is Daddy's Pizza & Steakhouse Restaurant (they also do great Chinese food).

For the really hungry try either the Kalare Night Bazaar or the Asunarm Market for great sit down meals. For the thirsty, go to the 7 Eleven or better yet try The Red Lion pub or the Downunder Pub both in Loi Khro Road (middle of the Night Bazaar), or O'Mally's Irish Pub further down the street in the Asunarm Market square.

Kalare Night Bazaar is an arcade-style bazaar located about 1/3 of the way down from the top end of the main Night Bazaar and Asunarm Markets is located about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom end of the main Night Bazaar. (see quick links on the left of this page for further information)

While you are in the Night Bazaar make sure you check out two other good markets, Kalare Night Bazaar and Asunarm Markets, both are offshoots from the main Chiang Mai Night Bazaar.

Remember to bargain for your purchases, it is expected of you and is all part of the fun. Bargaining is almost a national sport in Thailand. Even though the prices appear cheap by your normal standards you should always bargain and try to get another 20-30% off the asking price.

28 September, 2023

Make it a December to remember. #SMSnotes Chiang Mai Thailand

Absolutely! December is a wonderful time to create lasting memories. Here are some ideas to make it a December to remember:
Holiday Decorations: Put up festive decorations in your home. You could even host a decorating party with friends or family.
Attend or Host a Holiday Party: Whether it's a work party, a neighborhood gathering, or a cozy get-together at home, spending time with loved ones can be very special.
Volunteer or Give Back: Consider donating your time or resources to a local charity or organizing a gift drive for those in need.
Outdoor Activities: Depending on your location, you could go ice skating, build a snowman, or have a winter hike.

Cook and Bake: Try out new holiday recipes. Baking cookies, making gingerbread houses, or preparing a special holiday meal can be a fun and delicious way to celebrate.
Watch Holiday Movies: Have a movie night with all your favorite holiday classics and some hot cocoa.
Visit a Christmas Market: Many cities have holiday markets with unique gifts, delicious food, and festive entertainment.
Send Personalized Cards: Take some time to write heartfelt messages to your loved ones. It's a simple gesture that can mean a lot.

Plan a Day of Relaxation: With all the hustle and bustle, make sure to schedule a day for self-care, perhaps with a warm bath, a good book, or some soothing music.
Reflect and Set Goals: As the year comes to an end, take some time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead.
Remember, the key to making December memorable is to do things that bring you joy and allow you to connect with those you care about. Enjoy the holiday season!

27 September, 2023



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26 September, 2023

My place


25 September, 2023


The garden is quiet, clean, has a service bathroom. Not too many people. The important thing is...very clean. shady tree. Good for Exercise in the morning and evening

Walking in the park is a delightful activity that allows you to enjoy nature, get some fresh air, and relax. As you stroll through the park, you can engage in various activities or simply take in the surroundings. Here are a few things you might experience during your walk in the park:

Nature Appreciation: Parks are often filled with lush greenery, colorful flowers, and beautiful trees. You can admire the natural beauty around you, listen to the chirping of birds, and enjoy the sight of squirrels or other small animals going about their day.

Exercise and Fitness: Walking is a great form of exercise, and a park provides an excellent setting for it. You can set your own pace, whether it's a leisurely stroll or a brisk walk, and benefit from the physical activity while enjoying the park's serene environment.

Picnicking: Many parks have designated areas where you can have a picnic. You can pack a basket of delicious snacks or a meal, find a cozy spot on the grass or at a picnic table, and enjoy a delightful outdoor meal with friends or family.

Recreational Activities: Parks often offer facilities for various recreational activities. You might find playgrounds for children, basketball or tennis courts, or open spaces for activities like frisbee, soccer, or yoga. You can take advantage of these amenities and engage in some fun and active pursuits.

Dog Walking: Parks are popular destinations for dog owners. If you have a furry friend, you can take them for a walk, allowing them to explore new scents, interact with other dogs, and get some exercise. Be sure to follow any park rules regarding leash requirements and cleaning up after your pet.

Relaxation and Meditation: Parks can provide a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, making them ideal places for relaxation and meditation. Find a quiet bench, a shady tree, or a serene spot by a pond, and take a moment to unwind, clear your mind, or practice mindfulness.

Remember to respect the park rules and be mindful of other visitors. Take care of the environment by disposing of trash properly and leaving the park as you found it. Enjoy your walk in the park and savor the rejuvenating experience it offers!