29 June, 2023

On the way to Chiang Rai Thailand

On the way to Chiang Rai Thailand 
Road trips can be a wonderful way to explore new places, create unforgettable memories, and enjoy the freedom of the open road. Whether you're planning a short weekend getaway or an extended cross-country adventure, here are some tips to make your road trip enjoyable and stress-free:

No road trip is long with good company.
Plan your route: Decide on your destinations, stops, and the overall route you want to take. Use maps, navigation apps, or GPS devices to help you navigate.
Pack essentials: Make a checklist of essential items, such as snacks, water, first-aid kit, spare tire, tools, flashlight, maps, and chargers for your electronic devices.
Check your vehicle: Before hitting the road, ensure your car is in good condition. Check the oil, brakes, tires, and other vital systems. If needed, take it for a maintenance checkup.
Entertainment: Bring along music playlists, audiobooks, podcasts, or your favorite road trip games to keep everyone entertained during the journey.
Stay hydrated and take breaks: Keep yourself hydrated by having plenty of water during the trip. Take regular breaks to stretch your legs, relax, and enjoy the scenery.

Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the stuff in-between. Explore off-the-beaten path: Don't be afraid to take detours or explore lesser-known places along the way. Some of the best experiences come from unexpected discoveries.
Capture memories: Bring a camera or use your smartphone to take photos and videos of the beautiful landscapes and memorable moments.
Safety first: Follow traffic rules, wear seatbelts, and avoid distractions while driving. It's essential to prioritize safety for you and your fellow travelers.
Be flexible: Road trips can be unpredictable, so embrace the spontaneity and be willing to adjust your plans as needed.
Budget wisely: Estimate your expenses for fuel, accommodations, food, and activities. Having a budget will help you plan accordingly and avoid overspending.

Making memories, one road trip at a time.
Accommodations: If you plan to stay overnight, consider booking accommodations in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
Connect with locals: Engage with locals to get recommendations for restaurants, attractions, and hidden gems that might not be in tourist guides.
Pack light: Bring only what you need to avoid clutter in your car. Remember, you'll be moving from one place to another, so pack efficiently.
Respect the environment: Leave no trace of your visit and respect the natural beauty of the places you visit.

28 June, 2023

My Happiness blooms with pink flowers Chiang Mai Thailand

The common zinnia, known scientifically as Zinnia elegans, is a popular flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. It is native to Mexico and can be found in various colors, including red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and white. The plant is known for its bright and vibrant flowers, which make it a favorite choice for gardens, parks, and landscapes.

Annual plant: Zinnias are typically grown as annuals, which means they complete their life cycle in one growing season. Height: Depending on the variety, common zinnias can range in height from around 6 inches to 3 feet (15 cm to 90 cm).

Flowers: The flowers have a daisy-like appearance with a prominent central disk surrounded by colorful ray florets. The size and shape of the flowers can vary based on the cultivar. Blooming season: Zinnias are known for their long blooming season, usually from late spring or early summer until the first frost in autumn. Sunlight requirements: They thrive in full sun and prefer well-draining soil. Easy to grow: Common zinnias are relatively easy to grow from seeds, making them a popular choice for beginner gardeners.

Pollinator-friendly: The bright and nectar-rich flowers of zinnias attract pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, making them valuable additions to a pollinator-friendly garden.Low maintenance: Once established, zinnias require minimal care, although regular deadheading (removing spent flowers) can promote continuous blooming.
Seed collection: Zinnias can produce seeds at the end of their growing season, and these seeds can be collected for replanting the following year.
Creating a home garden can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Determine the garden type: Decide what type of garden you want to create. It could be a vegetable garden, flower garden, herb garden, or a combination of them. Consider the available space, sunlight, and your personal preferences.

Choose a location: Select a suitable spot for your garden. Ensure it receives adequate sunlight, as most plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Also, consider access to water sources.

Prepare the soil: Test your soil to understand its composition and fertility. Remove any weeds or grass from the area. Loosen the soil using a garden fork or tiller and add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to improve its structure and nutrient content.

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. – Gerard De Nerval
The common zinnia is widely cultivated in gardens and is also used as a cut flower in floral arrangements due to its striking appearance and long vase life. With a variety of cultivars available, ranging from dwarf types suitable for containers to tall varieties for borders and backdrops, gardeners have plenty of options to choose from when incorporating zinnias into their landscapes.

Never forget to look for the beauty…. and flowers in life!
Plan the layout: Sketch a layout of your garden, taking into account the size, shape, and spacing of plants. Consider the growth habits of the plants and their specific requirements. Place taller plants where they won't shade smaller ones.

You belong among the wildflowers. Choose the right plants: Select plants that are suitable for your climate, soil type, and available sunlight. Research the specific requirements of each plant, including watering needs, sunlight exposure, and spacing. Consider starting with easy-to-grow plants for beginners.

Planting: Dig holes for each plant, making sure they are deep and wide enough to accommodate the roots. Place the plants in the holes and backfill with soil, gently firming it around the base of the plant. Water thoroughly after planting.

Watering and maintenance: Establish a regular watering schedule for your plants, ensuring they receive adequate moisture without overwatering. Monitor for pests and diseases, and take necessary measures to control them. Mulching around plants can help conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

Provide support: If you are growing climbing plants or vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers, provide appropriate support structures such as trellises, stakes, or cages to help the plants grow vertically.

Regular care: Maintain your garden by regularly weeding, pruning, and fertilizing as needed. Remove dead or diseased plant parts promptly. Stay observant and address any issues that may arise, such as nutrient deficiencies or pest infestations.

Enjoy and expand: Take time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Harvest vegetables or flowers when they are ready. Consider expanding your garden over time, trying new plants or experimenting with different gardening techniques.

27 June, 2023

Asia-Pacific International University , Bangkok, Thailand

Asia-Pacific International University is a private Christian university located in Saraburi, Thailand. Its main campus is in the rural town of Muak Lek, Saraburi Province, and the nursing school is located on the grounds of Bangkok Adventist Hospital in downtown Bangkok.
Address: 195, Muak Lek District, 18180

Website: Aisa Pacific International University
Asia-Pacific International University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education in Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand. Located about 2 hours away from Bangkok, Asia-Pacific is blessed to be surrounded by scenic hills, colorful flowers and fresh air. More than 1000 residents comprise of students, faculty, and staff from 33 countries make up the University Campus Family. The institution is owned and operated by the Southeast Asia Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SAUM), headquartered in Singapore.

Asia-Pacific International University has a widespread reputation as an exceptional academic university. We earned this reputation by providing: Hands-on learning experiences
Research opportunities for undergraduates and graduate students
An environment of investigation and discussion
An Adventist Christian foundation
Exchange programs

26 June, 2023

Mac Queen the cat

It's quite common for cats to exhibit such behavior, and there can be a few reasons behind it:

Anticipation of Outdoors: Cats are curious creatures, and if they are indoor cats, they may be eager to explore the outside world. They might be waiting at the door in the hope of being let outside to investigate and roam.
Waiting for Their Human: Cats often form strong bonds with their owners and may wait at the door when they hear or sense their human coming home. It's their way of expressing excitement and greeting their favorite person.
Expecting Something: Cats can be quite smart and observant. They might associate certain activities or events with the door opening, such as mealtime or playtime. As a result, they could be waiting at the door, anticipating what comes next.
Social Interaction: Cats are social animals and might want to be where their human family members are. Waiting at the door could be their way of seeking interaction, attention, or simply being part of the household activities.

If you're planning to let the cats out, it's essential to ensure it's safe for them to be outside and that they are supervised, especially if they are not used to the outdoors.
Remember, every cat is unique, and their behavior can vary based on their personalities and experiences. Paying attention to their body language and understanding their needs can help create a happier and healthier environment for them.

Cats often enjoy sitting on stairs for various reasons. It's a behavior that comes naturally to them as they are curious and observant animals. Here are some possible reasons why your cat might be sitting on the stairs:

Observation point: Cats are known to be keen observers, and sitting on the stairs gives them a vantage point from which they can keep an eye on their surroundings. They may be watching people or other pets moving around the house or looking out for any potential threats or prey.

Feeling safe: Stairs provide a sense of security for cats. When they sit on the stairs, they can see both upstairs and downstairs, allowing them to monitor movements in multiple directions. It gives them the ability to escape quickly if they feel the need to retreat.
Warmth and comfort: Depending on the time of day and the location of the stairs, they may also find it cozy and warm. Cats often seek out warm spots to rest, and the stairs might be receiving some sunlight or warmth from nearby sources.

Territory marking: Cats have scent glands on their faces and paws, and when they sit or rub against objects, including stairs, they leave their scent as a form of territorial marking.
Preventing accidental surprises: Cats are cautious animals, and sitting on the stairs allows them to anticipate anyone coming up or down, preventing them from being startled or surprised.
Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious creatures, and they might just be exploring the staircase as part of their daily investigations.

It's essential to provide your cat with plenty of enrichment and opportunities to explore different areas of the house. If your cat enjoys sitting on the stairs, make sure the area is safe and free from hazards. Some cats may also like to have a cozy bed or blanket placed on the stairs to make it an even more inviting spot for relaxation.

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their natural diet consists mainly of meat. While they do need protein from animal sources, some cats may enjoy and tolerate dry food well. However, it's essential to ensure that the dry food you provide is of high quality and specifically formulated for feline nutrition.

Quality: Opt for high-quality cat food that contains real meat as the primary ingredient and avoids fillers, artificial additives, and excessive carbohydrates.
Nutritional balance: Make sure the dry food provides a balanced diet with essential nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that are vital for your cat's health.

Water intake: Dry food contains less moisture than wet food, so ensure your cat drinks enough water to stay properly hydrated.
Portion control: Avoid overfeeding your cat with dry food to prevent obesity or other health issues. Follow the feeding guidelines provided on the packaging and adjust based on your cat's individual needs.

Monitor health: Regularly observe your cat's weight, coat condition, and overall health to ensure that the chosen dry food suits them well.

25 June, 2023

Stopping by the road to enjoy the view of flowers

Stopping by the road to enjoy the view of flowers offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The vibrant colors and delicate petals create a mesmerizing tableau, inviting passersby to pause and appreciate nature's beauty. As you step out of your vehicle, the gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet fragrance of blossoms fill the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere that refreshes the soul.

Amidst the sea of flowers, each bloom tells a story of resilience and growth. The scene is a reminder of the simple joys found in nature, encouraging a moment of reflection and gratitude. Taking a few minutes to absorb this natural splendor can rejuvenate your spirit, leaving you with a renewed sense of peace and inspiration.

24 June, 2023

a ring of light gleamed with a soft, almost ethereal glow

In the middle of a dark, silent room, a ring of light gleamed with a soft, almost ethereal glow. Its gentle radiance pierced through the enveloping shadows, casting a faint halo on the floor. The light seemed to pulse with a life of its own, creating a mesmerizing contrast against the deep, inky darkness that surrounded it. The room, otherwise swallowed by gloom, was given a peculiar sense of serenity and mystery by this solitary, luminous ring.

As one drew closer, the light's warmth became palpable, inviting yet enigmatic. It was as if the ring held secrets within its shimmering boundaries, beckoning the curious to uncover them. The stillness of the room amplified the ring's presence, making it the undeniable focal point in an expanse of void. In this juxtaposition of light and dark, the ring became a symbol of hope and wonder, a beacon in the midst of obscurity.

23 June, 2023

Charlie the cat

A three-legged cat eating is a normal and natural behavior. Cats, regardless of the number of legs they have, need to eat to maintain their health and energy levels.

Whether a cat has three legs due to a congenital condition, an accident, or a medical procedure, they still possess the same basic instincts and needs as any other cat.

Appropriate diet: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet that meets the specific needs of your cat. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they require a diet high in animal-based protein. Consult your veterinarian to determine the right type and amount of food for your three-legged cat's age, weight, and health condition.

Fresh water: Always have clean and fresh water available for your cat. Hydration is essential for their overall well-being, and it's particularly important if they have mobility challenges due to the missing leg.
Feeding routine: Establish a regular feeding routine to help your cat develop healthy eating habits. Cats often appreciate consistency and knowing when to expect their meals.

Monitor food intake: Keep an eye on your cat's eating habits to ensure they are eating regularly and not showing signs of a decreased appetite or any difficulties while eating.

Observe body condition: Regularly check your cat's body condition to make sure they are maintaining a healthy weight. An overweight or underweight cat might require adjustments to their diet.

Elevated food bowl: Consider using an elevated food bowl to make it more comfortable for your three-legged cat to reach their food, especially if they have mobility issues.
Special needs: If your cat has any medical conditions or dietary restrictions, follow the advice of your veterinarian to accommodate those needs properly.

the cat is missing one of its legs, either due to an accident. Cats are remarkably adaptable animals, and many three-legged cats can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

It's essential to provide a safe and comfortable environment for a three-legged cat. Ensure that there are no hazards that might pose a risk to their safety, and consider providing them with a litter box that is easy for them to access. Additionally, provide ample opportunities for exercise and play, but also be mindful that they might tire more easily than a fully-abled cat.

If you have a three-legged cat or are considering adopting one, consult with a veterinarian to address any specific needs or concerns they might have. They can give you tailored advice to ensure your feline friend remains healthy and happy.