22 November, 2021

yee peng lantern festival, Chiang Mai, Thailand by #SMSnotes

yee peng lantern festival 2021, Chiang Mai, Thailand taken on November 2021 by #SMSnotes
The Yee Peng Lantern Festival, also known as the Yi Peng Lantern Festival, is a traditional Thai festival celebrated in the northern city of Chiang Mai, Thailand. It usually takes place on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month, which usually falls in November. However, please note that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and I don't have access to real-time information.
Here are some key aspects of the Yee Peng Lantern Festival:
Lantern Lighting: The highlight of the festival is the release of thousands of sky lanterns (khom loi) into the night sky. These lanterns are made of thin fabric stretched over a frame, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended. When lit, the hot air causes the lantern to rise into the sky.
Spiritual Significance: The festival has both cultural and religious significance. It is associated with the Lanna people of Northern Thailand and is often observed as a way to pay respects to the Buddha.
Wishing and Symbolism: People often write their wishes, hopes, and prayers on the lanterns before releasing them. The act of releasing a lantern is seen as a symbolic way to let go of negative emotions and start afresh.

Illuminated Processions: In addition to sky lanterns, there are often colorful processions and parades featuring people in traditional dress carrying illuminated lanterns.
Ceremonies and Religious Observances: There are typically ceremonies held at temples, including Wat Phra Singh and Wat Phan Tao, where participants make offerings, light candles, and engage in prayers and meditation.
Tourist Attendance: The Yee Peng Lantern Festival has become increasingly popular with tourists, drawing people from around the world to experience the magical sight of thousands of lanterns lighting up the night sky.
Environmental Considerations: In recent years, there has been growing concern about the environmental impact of releasing sky lanterns, as the remnants of these lanterns can contribute to pollution and pose risks to wildlife. Some organizations and individuals advocate for eco-friendly alternatives.

21 November, 2021

Beautiful sunsets, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Beautiful sunsets, Chiang Mai, Thailand. November 2021 
Beautiful sunsets are a breathtaking natural phenomenon that captivate people around the world. They occur when the sun descends below the horizon, and its rays pass through the Earth's atmosphere, scattering its shorter wavelengths and allowing the longer red, orange, and pink wavelengths to dominate the sky. Here are some aspects that make sunsets so captivating:

Colors: One of the most enchanting features of a sunset is the vibrant array of colors that fill the sky. From fiery reds and oranges to soft pinks and purples, each sunset offers a unique and awe-inspiring palette.
Transcience: Sunsets are transient and fleeting, with their beauty lasting only for a short period. This evokes a sense of impermanence and encourages people to appreciate the present moment.
Reflection on Water: Sunsets over bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, or rivers, create stunning reflections that amplify the beauty of the natural display.

Silhouettes: The contrast between the dark silhouettes of landscapes, buildings, or trees against the colorful backdrop of a sunset creates a dramatic and visually striking scene.
Mood and Emotion: Sunsets have the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, from tranquility and peace to awe and wonder. Many people find sunsets to be a source of inspiration and contemplation.
Photographic Opportunities: Sunsets are a favorite subject for photographers. The interplay of light, colors, and shadows provides a rich canvas for capturing stunning images.
Cultural Significance: In many cultures, sunsets hold symbolic meaning. They can be associated with endings, transitions, and the promise of a new day.

23 October, 2021

Memories made together, last forever. Thailand

There are many different types of dark green plants, so it's difficult to give specific information without knowing more about the plant you have in mind. However, here are some general tips for caring for dark green plants:

Light: Most dark green plants prefer bright, indirect light. However, some plants may tolerate lower light levels. Be sure to research the specific light requirements of your plant to ensure it is getting the right amount of light.

Water: Water requirements vary depending on the plant species. As a general rule, wait until the soil is dry to the touch before watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the plant to wilt or drop leaves.
Soil: Most dark green plants prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Avoid using heavy or compacted soils, which can suffocate the plant's roots.
Fertilizer: Most dark green plants benefit from regular fertilization. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can cause damage to the plant.
Humidity: Many dark green plants prefer high humidity levels. You can increase humidity by placing a humidifier near the plant or by placing a tray of water nearby.
Pruning: Prune the plant as needed to control its size and shape. This can also help promote healthy growth.
Remember to research the specific care requirements of your dark green plant to ensure it thrives in your care.

Memories made together, last forever
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021

22 October, 2021

Cochlospermum vitifolium #SMSnotes

Cochlospermum vitifolium taken on October 2021 by #SMSnotes
Cochlospermum vitifolium, commonly known as buttercup tree or yellow cotton tree, is a species of flowering plant in the family Bixaceae. Here are some key points about this plant:

Appearance: The buttercup tree is known for its bright yellow, cup-shaped flowers that resemble buttercups, hence the name. The tree can grow to be quite large and has distinctive lobed leaves.
Habitat: It is native to tropical and subtropical regions in the Americas, including parts of Central and South America. It can often be found in open woodlands and savannas.
Uses:Ornamental: The vibrant yellow flowers make it a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks in its native regions.
Traditional Medicine: In some cultures, parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine for various purposes.
Ecological Significance: The plant can attract a variety of pollinators with its bright flowers, including bees and butterflies.
Fruit: After flowering, it produces a fruit that contains seeds. The seeds are often covered in a cotton-like substance.
Conservation Status: Depending on the region, the conservation status of Cochlospermum vitifolium may vary. In some areas, it might be considered of least concern, while in others it could be facing threats due to habitat loss.

21 October, 2021

Never hesitate to open new windows in your life!- Mehmet Murat Ildan. Chiang Mai Thailand 2021 #SMSnotes

Never hesitate to open new windows in your life!- Mehmet Murat Ildan.
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021 #SMSnotes
It encourages embracing new opportunities and experiences with an open mind. It's a reminder that trying new things and stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to growth, learning, and ultimately a more fulfilling life.

Never hesitate to open new windows in your life!- Mehmet Murat Ildan.
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021 #SMSnotes
A "sky window" can refer to a literal window in a building that provides a view of the sky, or it can be a metaphorical term for any unobstructed view of the sky, such as an opening in the trees or a gap in the clouds.

Never hesitate to open new windows in your life!- Mehmet Murat Ildan.
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021 #SMSnotes
When we talk about "clouds" in this context, we're referring to the visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds are an essential part of the Earth's weather system and come in various shapes and sizes, each with its own characteristics.
The interplay between a sky window and clouds can be quite captivating. Looking through a window at the sky, especially if it's framed by interesting cloud formations, can evoke various emotions and feelings. It's a reminder of the vastness and ever-changing nature of the world around us. Additionally, clouds often play a role in determining the weather, so observing them can sometimes give insights into what the day might hold.

20 October, 2021

F L O W E R S @Urbanfarm Chiang Mai Thailand

F L O W E R S @Urbanfarm
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021 #SMSnotes
Flowers are a diverse group of plants that are known for their beautiful and often fragrant blooms. They play a significant role in various aspects of human culture, including art, literature, and celebrations. Here are some interesting facts about flowers:

F L O W E R S @Urbanfarm
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021
Biodiversity: There are over 400,000 known species of flowering plants, making them one of the most diverse groups of plants on Earth.
Reproduction: Flowers are the reproductive structures of flowering plants. They produce seeds through a process called pollination, where pollen (containing male gametes) is transferred to the female reproductive organs.
Fragrance: Many flowers have evolved to produce fragrances to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds. These scents are often a mix of volatile organic compounds.
Colors: Flowers come in a wide array of colors, and each color can have different symbolic meanings. For example, red often symbolizes love and passion, while white is associated with purity and innocence.

F L O W E R S @Urbanfarm
Chiang Mai Thailand 2021
Adaptations: Flowers have various adaptations to ensure successful pollination. Some have specialized shapes to fit specific pollinators, while others have nectar guides to direct insects to their nectar.
Cultural Significance: Flowers have played significant roles in cultures around the world. They are used in various ceremonies, such as weddings, funerals, and religious rituals. Different flowers hold different meanings in different cultures.
Medicinal Use: Many flowers have been used for their medicinal properties for centuries. For example, the poppy flower is the source of opium, and the foxglove flower contains digitalis, a heart medication.

Happiness is the natural flower of duty. – Phillips Brooks
Edible Flowers: Some flowers are edible and used in culinary practices. Examples include nasturtiums, violets, and calendula. They can be used in salads, desserts, and as garnishes.
Economic Importance: The flower industry is a significant part of the global economy. Cut flowers are grown and sold for various occasions, and ornamental plants contribute to landscaping and gardening.
Symbolism: Different flowers carry different symbolic meanings. For instance, the rose is often associated with love and romance, while the lotus symbolizes purity and enlightenment in many Eastern cultures.

Environmental Importance: Flowers and their pollinators play a crucial role in ecosystems. They support biodiversity by providing food and habitat for a wide range of insects, birds, and other wildlife.
Hybridization and Cultivation: Humans have been cultivating and hybridizing flowers for thousands of years, resulting in a vast array of unique varieties and cultivars.

Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower. – John Harrigan

Look for the flowers in life.

My favorite colors are flowers.

01 September, 2021

Growing plants in water

Growing plants in water is called hydroponics. Here are the general steps to grow a plant in water:
Choose a plant that can grow in water. Examples include pothos, spider plant, philodendron, and lucky bamboo.
Cut a healthy stem or leaf from the plant. Make sure it has several leaves and nodes, which are the small bumps on the stem where new growth can occur.
Fill a container with clean water. You can use a jar, vase, or any other container that will hold the plant upright.
Place the stem or leaf in the water so that the bottom part of the stem is submerged. Make sure the leaves are not touching the water, as this can cause them to rot.
Place the container in a bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause the water to heat up and harm the plant.
Change the water every week or so to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae. You can also add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water to help the plant grow.
Wait for the plant to grow roots and new leaves. Once it has developed a strong root system, you can transplant it into soil if desired.
Remember to monitor the plant closely and adjust the water level as needed. Happy growing!

Cacti are not native to Thailand, but they can still be grown successfully as houseplants or in outdoor gardens in certain parts of the country. Here are some tips for growing cacti in Thailand:

Choose the right type of cactus. Look for cacti that are adapted to tropical or subtropical environments, as these will be more likely to thrive in Thailand's hot and humid climate. Some good options include epiphyllums, rat-tail cacti, and holiday cacti.

Provide adequate sunlight. Most cacti need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive. Place your cactus in a sunny window or outdoors in a spot that receives plenty of sunlight.

Use well-draining soil. Cacti prefer soil that is porous and well-draining, as they are susceptible to root rot if their roots sit in water for too long. Mix sand, perlite, or pumice into your potting soil to improve drainage.

Water sparingly. Cacti are drought-tolerant and do not need to be watered frequently. Water your cactus only when the soil has completely dried out, and be sure to pour off any excess water that collects in the saucer beneath the pot.

Protect from pests. Cacti can be vulnerable to pests like mealybugs and spider mites, especially in humid climates. Check your cactus regularly for signs of infestation, and treat with an insecticidal soap if necessary.

Let it G R O W Chiang Mai Thailand, September 2021 

01 August, 2021

S U N N Y D A Y Chaing Mai Urban Farm #SMSnotes

Chaing Mai Urban Farm
taken on August 2021
Urban farming, also known as urban agriculture, is the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around urban areas. It can take many forms, including rooftop gardens, vertical farms, hydroponics, aquaponics, community gardens, and more. Here are some key aspects and benefits of urban farming:

Chaing Mai Urban Farm
taken on August 2021
Space Utilization: Urban farming allows for the efficient use of limited space in densely populated urban environments. This can be particularly important in areas where arable land is scarce.
Local Food Production: By growing food within or near cities, urban farming reduces the distance that food needs to travel from farm to plate. This can lead to fresher and more nutritious produce, as well as a reduction in carbon emissions associated with transportation.
Community Engagement: Urban farming often involves communities coming together to grow food collectively. This fosters a sense of community, provides opportunities for education and skill-building, and can improve social cohesion.
Food Security: Urban farming can contribute to food security by providing a local source of fresh produce, especially in areas where access to quality groceries is limited.

Chaing Mai Urban Farm
taken on August 2021
Diverse Crops: Urban farming allows for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes even small livestock like chickens or rabbits.
Sustainability: Many urban farming techniques, such as hydroponics and aquaponics, can be highly efficient in their use of water and energy. Additionally, some urban farms incorporate sustainable practices like composting and rainwater harvesting.
Education and Awareness: Urban farms often serve as educational resources for the community, teaching people about food production, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture practices.
Economic Opportunities: Urban farming can create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, particularly in the areas of farming, distribution, and value-added food processing.

Chaing Mai Urban Farm
taken on August 2021
Environmental Benefits: Urban farming can help mitigate the urban heat island effect, reduce stormwater runoff, and improve air quality.
Innovation and Technology: Urban farming often leverages technological advancements to optimize growing conditions. This can include using sensors, automation, and data analytics to monitor and control factors like temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels.
Resilience to Climate Change: Urban farming can enhance a city's resilience to climate change by providing a local source of food that may be less vulnerable to disruptions in global supply chains.
Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Well-designed urban farms can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a city and provide green spaces for recreation and relaxation.

06 May, 2021

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir, also known as Huay Tung Tao or Huay Tung Thao, is a popular recreational area located in the Mae Rim district of Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is a man-made reservoir surrounded by picturesque mountains and lush greenery, offering a serene and natural environment.

The reservoir was created to provide water for agricultural purposes and to help mitigate flooding in the region. Over time, it has become a favorite destination for both locals and tourists who seek relaxation and outdoor activities.

Visitors to Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir can enjoy a range of recreational activities. There are bamboo huts and restaurants along the reservoir's banks where visitors can relax and enjoy the scenic views while having a picnic or a meal. The reservoir is also popular for fishing, and visitors can rent fishing equipment and try their hand at catching fish.

In addition, there are various water activities available at Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir. Visitors can rent paddle boats or kayaks and explore the calm waters of the reservoir. Swimming is also allowed in designated areas, providing a refreshing experience during the hot summer months.
The surrounding area of the reservoir offers beautiful trails for hiking and biking. Nature lovers can take leisurely walks or challenging hikes while admiring the natural beauty of the mountains and forests.

Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir is easily accessible from Chiang Mai city, located just about 15 kilometers away. Many visitors choose to rent a motorbike or hire a songthaew (a shared taxi truck) to reach the reservoir.

Overall, Huay Tueng Thao Reservoir is a wonderful destination for those seeking a peaceful getaway in nature, offering a range of activities to enjoy and a beautiful setting to relax and unwind.

Hammock Time: Set up a hammock between two trees or use a portable hammock stand if available. Gently sway back and forth, enjoying the soothing motion while you read, listen to music, or simply close your eyes and enjoy the moment.

Gentle Walks: Take a leisurely stroll along the lake's shore or nearby trails. Enjoy the scenery, breathe in the fresh air, and let the calming presence of the water and nature help you relax and unwind.

Paddleboarding or Kayaking: Engage in a calming water activity by renting or bringing your own paddleboard or kayak. Glide across the calm waters of the lake, taking in the sights and sounds of the surrounding nature. It can be a meditative and peaceful experience.

Picnicking: Pack a delicious picnic with your favorite snacks, fruits, sandwiches, and refreshing drinks. Find a comfortable spot by the lake and enjoy a leisurely meal while savoring the scenic view.

Remember to be mindful of your surroundings, respect the environment, and follow any rules or regulations set by the lake authorities. Enjoy the tranquility and embrace the opportunity to relax and recharge amidst nature's beauty.

When you don't get enough sunlight, it can lower the amount of serotonin your body produces, which can negatively affect your mood. Gloomy days can wreak havoc on the melatonin levels in our body making it harder for some people to get up on those dark mornings.

However, if skies are cloudy, some of the sun's rays are reflected off the cloud droplets back into space. Therefore, less of the sun's energy is able to reach the earth's surface, which causes the earth to heat up more slowly. This leads to cooler temperatures.

"There is beauty even in the cold and cloudy days of life. You just have to look a little deeper." -Taj Pacleb May 2021